How to relieve stress? Open the tap!

How to relieve stress? Open the tap!

As April is Stress awareness month, I thought I would share a few thoughts about stress I learnt as part as My Mental Health First Aid Training with Mental Health England. Here is a short video summarising how to think about your stress and what you can do to help...
4 tips to help quiet your mind

4 tips to help quiet your mind

I have been sharing some tips with a few of my coachees. I thought they may also help you to quiet some of the voices in your head or even that never ending to do list that stops you to focus or sleep at times. Will these work for you for sure? I don’t know but...
Why does kindness matter?

Why does kindness matter?

Today I want to talk about kindness in general and kindness practice. Kindness is the when you show consideration and are friendly, generous. But it shows and we demonstrate it in different ways: love, care, compassion, empathy, helping someone…but without...
Facing a crisis – What can you do?

Facing a crisis – What can you do?

When I took  a resilience practitioner course almost 2 years ago now to help my client and build my own resilience muscle I had no idea how I and the humans would be tested in 2020 and 2021. Last September, I already shared some tips that you can find here .  ...